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New Arrival at DCON

We are delighted to welcome Corentin Petit to our team in Dublin. Corentin is a qualified ‘Expert-comptable’ in France – having been working in practice in Lyon since 2014. Corentin has a broad range of experience working with clients in France – with a range of experience in accounting, audit and tax and tax-efficient remuneration schemes issues across a broad range of industries focusing on owner-managed businesses. Corentin’s focus will be on working with our growing number of French and Francophone clients now operating in Ireland – and helping those who want to set up operations here.


Nous sommes ravis d’avoir intégré Corentin Petit à notre équipe de Dublin. Corentin est diplômé d’expertise-comptable en France et a travaillé à Lyon depuis 2014. Il possède une expérience variée dans le travail avec des clients en France dans les domaines de la comptabilité, de l'audit, de la fiscalité et de l'optimisation de la rémunération dans un large éventail d’entreprises détenues et gérées par leur propriétaire. La mission de Corentin consiste à travailler avec le nombre croissant de clients français et francophones opérant actuellement en Irlande et d’accompagner ceux qui souhaitent y implanter leur activité.

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Duignan Carthy O’Neill is registered with the US based Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) which enables the firm to undertake the audit of USA Public Company Subsidiaries located in Ireland and the UK


Authorised by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland to carry on Audits and Business Activities.

Member of AGN International Ltd an association of independent accounting and financial advisory businesses. AGN International Ltd (and its regional affiliates; together "AGN") is a not-for-profit worldwide membership association of separate and independent accounting and advisory businesses. AGN does not provide services to the clients of its members, which are provided by Members alone. AGN and its Members are not in partnership together, they are neither agents of nor obligate one another, and they are not responsible or liable for each other's services, actions or inactions

© 2015 DUIGNAN CARTHY O'NEILL. Chartered Accountants, Registered Auditors, Dublin, Ireland. All Rights Reserved.


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